torsdag, november 23

# 63

I hate feeling useless. I hate it when the people I love and really need support from are those who make me feel like I am worth nothing.

I can't wait to get away from here. Start over again somewhere else. Where I might be loved only for who I am, not what I do.

onsdag, november 22

# 62

Oh my gosh.

I've been practicing certain words such as "like" and "heaps" so that I can fit in when we arrive to Australia and so that I can be cool in Norway ;) :P I wrote about Anna at Blink and this was how it turned out:

[totally fillsong]
Oh my gosh, I so totally love this girl, like you know.. heaps and stuff. She's so adorable and so gifted beyond anything you know. My gosh, I just wanna kiss her and hug her all the time_. You know, we (together with PK) are gonna totally rock Australia, like heaps and stuff. Oh my gosh, I can't wait! People are all like, "yeah, so it's Australia. Like so what? Like what's so special about Australia?". And I mean, like Aussie-mates forever you know. Oh yeah, rock and roll! :D

But like nothing in the entire world could like ever describe Anna, you know. Oh my gosh, she's just this amazing God-created being with an outstanding heart. And girl's got humor! Sleepinginthecar-team humor! :D

My Anna means the world to me!
I love you, to eternity and beyond. <3
(Bobbie will so totally love us)

::pkacia. It's like important you know. Like heaps and stuff !!

Other than that, there has been so much going on lately. Too much for me to even start talking about, but life is so much fun! I love it.

ps. Got my CoE today. Absolutely unbelievably excited about moving to Australia. Wish it was tomorrow, although I am a bit anxious about what to bring and what not to bring.

onsdag, november 15

# 61

A post for my own well-being.

Try to find the words to express the way you are
But the beauty of the Lord cannot be described
In just one lifetime

Look at the sun over the seas
Look at your grace that covers me
Now I know, yes I know
Now I know, I know Your love has saved me

In the morning I can't stop praising your name
In the evening I can't stop praising your name
In the morning I can't stop praising your name
In the evening I can't stop!

Schtina und Duckie = pretty <3

søndag, november 12

# 60

As always our Peacehome (Fredheim) trip was amazing! Too tired now to talk of everything, but i can tell you that I've got no voice left. :/
But anyways my bed is calling my name.. Peace out.

ps. Duckie, you are my hero! I love you <3

torsdag, november 9

# 59

Oh joy! Anna's been accepted to HILC! :D
Now we're only waiting for PK to get his answer. Poor guy's been waiting for ages..

But hey, if I got in, anybody can! :D

'STRAYLIA mate! <3
Love you dudes ;) :D

mandag, november 6

# 58

I loved watching you worship, you're such a beautiful expressive worshipper. Your love for Jesus really shines through.

Love Deborah <3

Honey, I never got a chance to speak to you when you gave me that note, and I never found after the service either. But if you ever read this my dear, I love you!

søndag, november 5

# 57

Today New Beginning were at the Sunday School at church, and it was so much fun! :D The kids were learning about Noah and the ark, so Elin did facepaint on the pre-school kids, but of course it would be unfair if they would say no to us (christina and I :p). So I became a tiger (raow) and she became a pink fart (cat). miaow

torsdag, november 2

# 56

denne gang på norsk..

Det hjelper å snike seg rundt på ukjente menneskers blogger (

"En av de nye sangene til United, Devotion, har satt seg så innmari i hodet mitt. Fantastisk tekst! Her er refrenget:

"When you stand
Tall trees and mountains bow

When you speak
The fiersest of ocean in still

And I see the sinner seek devotion
The lost becom choosen
And I fall to my knees""

nå er bare spørsmålet hvem som har skrevet den.. selv om jeg håper veldig på Joel så tipper jeg egentlig at dette er Mia Fieldes..
Maria, jeg vet du vet det.

onsdag, november 1

# 55

I'm tired.. tired of having parents who believe I can't make my own choices and stick by it, tired of them believing I can't do anything.
I'm tired of being the laughing stock in life.
I'm tired of being disrespected at church, tired of taking all the hits and blame for something I never did alone, tired of being looked down on instead of being looked up to as a leader. And I'm so sick and tired of feeling like no one thinks I'll never make it.. Tired of people I love making me feel like I'm nothing at all.

When will I gain some respect? You're only as human as I.

then again, maybe I was never cut out for this..

EDIT:: and like now no one's coming on Saturday. My first preaching.. great.