tirsdag, oktober 31

# 54

My hope is built on nothing less,
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus' Name.

On Christ the solid rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.

When darkness seems to hide His face,
I rest on His unchanging grace.
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.

His oath, His covenant, His blood,
Support me in the whelming flood.
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.

When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh may I then in Him be found.
Dressed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne.

- Edward Mote and William Bradbury

mandag, oktober 23

# 53

Oh joy :)

Let me introduce you to someone very special. This beautiful sweet little girl is named Fud-Genive, she is 5 years old and comes from Haiti. She may look like the average girl to you, but Fud-Genive is deaf. But oh joy, today she became my Compassion-child :D I hope and pray that through my payments, my prayers and my letters she will be inspired, healed and become what God intended her to be. I love this little doll. Please remember her in your prayers.


søndag, oktober 22

# 52

My weekend in list-form:

* Woke up to find that I was accepted to HILC! :D:D and my world was changed.
* Rehearsals all day long, first with Fillsong and then with New Beginning.
* Went to BULF and ALFRED with Christina and Madde. Felt a bit old yup..

* Washi washi at the pre-school.
* Foooooood!
* Setting up in the Culture House :P :D
* Rehearsals at Bellevue Stage <3<3<3<3<3
* AWESOME meeting at 8 pm. Rickard Lundgren rocks! Heaps of people and an amazing presence of God!
* Cafè at church. Lovely people, even bikerdude was there :D (feel free to ask). And of course - Ticket to ride! Great game :D
* Sleeeeeeeep I tell you. Hallelujah

* Woke up way too early. Low bloodsugar, 15 minutes later I had a tummyache wich could only mean one thing. Back to bed
* Woke up again hours later, flipped some channels, stopped at "the amazing race"-marathon cause they were in AUSSIEland :D and watched every episode.
* Took a shower
* Went to the Culture House :P to the final meeting of the weekend. Awesomeawesome! Also streched some cabels for Madde ;)
* Now dozing of to "the second chance" nightnight. <3

EDIT:: I've decided I'm gonna have two beautiful baby girls when I grow up. One of my own called Sophie Joy and one lovely chocolate-babygirl from Africa called Kenya (like the country - Second Chance).

fredag, oktober 20

# 51


Oh joy!!!!!!!

onsdag, oktober 18

# 50

Though I'm many miles away
How could I forget the day
I held you close and my
Heart was changed forever
Though I'm many miles away
I'll forver hear you say
I am your child, please will you love me,
Won't you stay?

My little one, I live to change your world,
I live to change your world
How you've changed my world
The kindness of God will make a way

There's not a day that passes by
When I don't hear your hungry cry
I won't forget you, oh how I love you
Just be strong

My little one, I live to change your world,
I live to change your world
How you've changed my world
The kindness of God will make a way

He has made a way
He rejoices over you with singing,
He will quiet you with His love
I know you'll be dancing though your heart is heavy
Heaven will make a way

When the night is long
And hunger is your song
Breathe again and know,
To hope is never wrong

I live to change your world, I live to change your world
Oh how you've changed my world,
Oh with every breath I live to change your world
I live to change your world
Your name is not forgotten
I live to change your world
Hold on, hold on
I live to change your world

- Darlene Zschech <3

I could have used this post to talk about how excited I am for Christmas and snow and Oslo and everything.. But I figured there are better things in the world.

I haven't even started. Have not signed up as a Compassion sponsor yet, but my world is already changed and my heart is aching every minute for the forgotten children of this world. God said to Darlene and Mark Zschech after they had been visiting their Compassion-children in Rwanda, and after they'd seen all the horror that that nation had been through, "now you know the problem, what are you gonna do about it?" I have never been hit so hard by any question ever. I know the problem, I see the longing for hope in these childrens eyes, and I'm just gonna sit here and do nothing? No way. I intend to do something, because I can! (tad inspired by maria here ;) ) And trust me, if I can do this, anybody can!

Seriously, get involved.


tirsdag, oktober 17

# 49

from: College Admissions
to: me
sent: Oct 17 04:29

Dear Siv Renathe,

Thank you for your recent application to Hillsong College. We have received all of your application materials and your application is currently being processed. You will get a response within 3-4 working days. If we need further information to make a decision, we will contact you.

Hillsong International Leadership College

Oh my.. I'm literally shaking. Think I need to put the laptop away. Afraid of dropping it on the floor. .. Oh my..

EDIT:: Don't wanna like drop this post down, as the editing. Everytime I take a tiny glimpse at the mail I recieved I just get totally worked up and psyched. Like heaps you know :p This Saturday FILLSONG:heart: will be playing at the Culture House (:P). Some of the congregations in our little "city" got together to arrange a weekend propped with gorgeous meetings, and the Saturday night and Sunday morning meetings will be held in Bellevue Stage 1. It's our gorgeous movietheater which can gather like heaps of people. We held a youth meeting there in May, and it was heaps of fun! SO excited to play there again, awesome sound, awesome stage and AWESOME dressingrooms :D:D They are particularly loved by us girls in the danceteam ;)

Have also stayed up late the couple of last nights. Have serious issues with the Left Behind series. I am reading the 11th book now and I get so caught up in it that I just can't put the book down. Will be finishing that one tonight so that I can start reading the 12th book. :D excited!
So please excuse me. Need to get back to book.

Love you heaps!

# 48

Anna and I (the phrase "Anna and I" should have like a shortening.. like AI you know. Artificial Intelligence :P) have the hugest crush ever on the Hillsong-dudes. Started of with like Marty and Joel (Timothy), but then it started growing until it included about every guy there. Like JD, or "funny do do do, do that thingy with the arms dude" as we like to call him.

So now we're like really excited and anxious you know, to get our cute little bottoms down under so that we can charm the gorgeous Australian guys you know. :D :p ;)

mandag, oktober 16

# 47

Free our girls from beauty stereotypes!

This commercial makes me cry.

Campaign for REAL beauty

søndag, oktober 15

# 46

Stressful weekend, lots of work, lots of fun, and no sleep. This lead to extreme tiredness this afternoon, so I fell asleep at about 4:30 pm and woke up at 7:45 pm. It was completly dark in my room when I woke up and completly quiet in the house so I thought it was in the middle of the night.. Bit confused then yes :p But I figured it out at last.

Anna(r) and I lead worship on Friday night, last night and this morning. Friday night was so much fun, last night too (I mean, Fillsong rocks you know), and this morning, as we did some of our English songs as we always do cause English is glorious you know, it felt like I had to press a bit on. Some of the people in our church has decided that English songs they just won't co-operate with in worship, but still it's awesome songs. Like "Sovereign Hands", I love that song you know.

And the night is still young, wonder if I should read a book or something. Or sleep? :p

# 45

what to do when i get lost.
pray and chase after God.

i need to do that, now.

fredag, oktober 13

# 44

Today I made my first buy on finn.no .. and it was something I've been wanting for a while; a snowboard (with like shoes and everything)! So thrilled and excited! Anxiously waiting for winter and snow now. And Awayli (Borteli :p)

Mr. Nate Holland <3


tirsdag, oktober 10

# 43

Living in Australia calculations:

Hillsong International Leadership College calculates that you'll need between 220-290 AUD a week for different livingcosts, i.e. house, food and stuff like that. Now, say I lay off the chocolate and the candy, and spend about 270 AUD, 4 weeks a month, 12 months a year. That equals 12960 AUD, which means 60190 NOK.

I'm working for the next ten months, and I'm saving about 6000 NOK a month, after all the taxes and the tithe. Now anyone with a brain can measure up what that means.

God is Salvation! :D

EDIT:: the acceptance fee has been drawn from my bank-account and my pastoral reference was sent yesterday. now we're starting to talk serious buisness here! :D I'm so unbelievably excited! Struggling still with believing in myself, but hallelujah, God knows me better than myself.
Australia, here I come! :D

torsdag, oktober 5

# 42

I've come to love You, Lord
I've come to bring all my praise
I've come to honour You
And to glorify Your beautiful Name

All heaven and earth will worship You
Singing holy is the Lord
A hymn of pure adoration
As we see Your wonderful Kingdom come

Your favour is surrounding me
Your word is lighting my way
You're faithful to deliver me
Your glorious love leads the way to salvation.

<3 Darlene Zschech

My life in a nutshell.
I'm born with one purpose only; to glorify God and bring all my praise before Him. My desire is to see all heavens and earth bow their knees in awe of the holy Lord, and that He may see our adoration as pure and honourable to Him, so that His Kingdom come. And through all my earthly circumstances, though I make mistakes and fall, He is surrounding me with His favours, He lights my way, and delivers me faithfully even if I have betrayed Him. God is awesome

I found him whom my soul loveth. I held him, and would not let him go - Song of Solomon 3:4

onsdag, oktober 4

# 41

So like last night, rather late, I started to go through some of my old writings from like 4 and 3 years ago. And I could literally see how my heart has changed over the years. I could see how I had a hard time for a while, and how God has blessed me through it. And I also found a whole lot of song-material, some of it became a song today. It felt good, cause I haven't been writing for a while, with the whole music and stuff. My dream is only now to use my songs in worship at church. But God'll hopefully bless me more.. Cause I found a list of dreams which I had written 4 years ago, and out of 9 dreams, God has blessed me with 6. The remaining 3 I know aren't God's plan for me. So God is truly good.

But I might wanna start dreaming bigger.

EDIT :: give me profoundness, Lord. and words of expression. You know what I mean Lord. Help me

tirsdag, oktober 3

# 40

HCE completly changed my view of worship. I realised that at rehearsals today. I gave everything, even if it was just a rehearsal. It was heaps of fun. Before rehearsals there was something in me which bothered me, and still does, but as I worshipped it was totally gone. It's amazing, now I just got to pray it completly away.

And I'm glad God believes in me, cause I have a hard time with that.
But I hope it'll get better sometime.. I think I need a revolution in my head or something.

Let's publish a pic, my favourite pic in the whole wide world. You've seen it before

# 39

I just put the most lifechanging papers ever in the mailbox.


weee :D Now I just have to nag on my youth leader every day to get the pastoral reference done. She's a bit.. lost in space :p

Now I'm at church (wow, surprise) eating my dinner. A wildcaserole:p ("viltgryte" for all ya'll Norwegians) I love it, but I didn't think this one contained mushrooms, until I found this big chunk. I've probably eaten some of them too. eeeeeuuuuuwwwwww! So now I'm sorting them all out. I have no problem eating them, but when I first start to think about it I am totally grossed out.

Another revolution today is that I have gotten a savings acccount. So now it's really time to get serious about this whole money thingy. oh yes indeedy.

bye now. I love you!

mandag, oktober 2

# 38

oh, have we met the resistance from the devil now.
yes, indeedy. My life is changed, and I will not go back. Help me worship the Lord.

# 37


first of, before I even start to talk about how much God blessed me through the conference, I want you to know how much God has blessed me today.
Mum said that my boss wanted to see me (me and my mum work at the same store), so I went to see him. And praise God, my boss wanted to increase my work-hours, which he had to take away from me in the start of September. It even includes two extra hours :D It's only two days a month, but it means the world! Glory to God!

Now, Hillsong Conference Europe highlights.
My first proud-of-story; Anna and I were wearing our "hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah" shirts the first day of the conference. We heard the Hillsong band rehearsing, so we wanted to take a peak through the stagedoor. As we were peaking someone grabbed my shoulder saying "I love your shirts!" I turn around, stare at the person for forever before I realise it's Bobbie Houston! She were crazy about our shirts, and stated to her hubbie Brian who were there to, "I just wanna tear their shirts off". It was so awesome, and a lovely way to kick off the conference.

The first evening was filled with awesome preaching by pastor Brian and awesome worship with Darlene and team. What's so awesome is how God freed me. The first night I felt so bound, so sort of unavailable to worship the King of Kings. But the next night, as Delirious held worship, I decided to just let go. And so I did, and as I laid it all before Him, He blessed me endlessly with a new perspective of worship and adoration. Something else awesome is this girl who gave me note after the first songs. She explained how she had seen the love for Christ through me and that I was a beautiful worshipper. My heart was so blessed!

There were some amazing sessions with the most amazing people! Christine Caine is so awesome! Stu G, oh wow. The entire crowd were totally silent as he spoke! Phil (&) Dooley, hilarious awesome! Bobbie Houston, speachless. The oldest teenage-girl ever! :D She is so sweeeeeeet! Zhenyah something.. :p Pastor of Hillsong Kiev. AWESOME dude! And of course pastor Brian Houston! :D

But the bestest (yeah) were none other than Darlene Zschech. Oh how God has blessed me through her. She led some amazing worship, preached a message I've never even thought of, and best. I got to tell her that I love her. :D
I got to meet her. Although Anna had to push me. I have this little shy girl inside of me, and she really came alive in that moment. So there I stood before the woman in my life as I like to call her, and I literally whispered, in a massive crowd all making conversations, "I was wondering if you could sign my book". She had to ask me to repeat, so I gathered all the courage in me and spoke with a bit louder voice. I got my book, got my picture, I told her what a blessing she is, and that I love her. I put my hand in her head as I said it, bit lame, but I didn't dare to hug her (regret that now, yes). And she told me I was beautiful. I cried afterwards, it was so amazing!

Other amazing blessings from God were all the people we met. Like Juan and Frank from Costa Rica, in the picture with Darls. We had heaps of fun. We met Adam and, um.. the other dude from Bristol, Tim from Australia, time-is-ticking-away-Anthony, the HILC dude from Switzerland, Tanya from India, that sweet lady with the pink t-shirt from England, and heaps of others. Even queuing was awesome! :D

My life was changed. No doubt about it.
My God is mighty to save (L) I love you!

pics for you to enjoy:

CAKE! :D the most amazing chocolate fudge cake at Pizza Hut

and english breakfast! :D

"random" person at whitechapel :p


Crazy Norwegians queuing

The rest of the queuers

Lovely volunteers (L)

Fashioned for greatness

God of wonders! Can somebody say amen?

søndag, oktober 1

# 36